Every single year I have made New Year resolutions, to lose weight; to save more; to start a new hobby – you name it. Every year, I failed EVERY TIME! I just got tired of the same old game – fail to meet the goals I set for myself, then berate myself for being a failure; year after year after year. So 2019 my New Year resolution is not to have a single resolution, but to free myself from unnecessary pressure I place on myself to be ‘perfect‘.

2018 was interesting there were so many learning opportunities I could have learnt from but I missed the mark because I was consumed with, ‘what do others think about me?’, my current circumstances, etc… One thing is clear – I have to learn NOT TO COMPARE MYSELF TO OTHERS! I have wasted time and effort for years because my resolutions have been based on ‘comparison to others’. This was a difficult truth to admit – to myself, however developing awareness is the beginning, to be better and do better.

Learning to love and accept myself…

So this year I just want to be me and to love myself UNCONDITIONALLY! For me this is massive – it means doing something totally different, and I am READY. I want to be happy, joyous and free. I don’t know how, I will do it – what it will all look like… but that’s the point – I get to find out!!

It’s a new year – same day like every other day, so I choose to strive for a better today by being kind to myself (and others), because I only have TODAY.